Which platforms are best for remote interpretation?

Dithering between the different remote interpretation platforms for the organisation of your general meetings or assembly? You’ve heard a lot, and understood nothing, about the organisation of remote conferencing? This comparative study may help you see more clearly: https://translationrating.ru/6-remote-simultaneous-interpreting-rsi-platforms-and-zoom/

Remote interpretation platforms have multiplied during the lockdown period, allowing many companies to adapt to new working methods. Demands for this type of service are multiplying, both rapidly and suddenly, which hasn’t always left the time for genuine test & integration phases on the sites of both clients and interpreters. At this stage it is difficult to determine which platform is best suited for your needs, while assuring reliability and economies.

A comparative study, proposed by the conference interpreter, Natalia Fedorenkova, covers, in an objective manner, the various different solutions available on the market, comparing similar functionalities. If you still haven’t found what you are looking for, you can compare them directly on-line via https://www.nimdzi.com/tools/#vit

Do you want made to measure support for the organisation of a new tool? Are you aware that, during the period of lockdown, we have organised multiple missions involving remote interpreting on different platforms, with the simultaneous interventions of a number of interpreters covering different language combinations. Feel free to contact us on gestion@caupenne-co.com or via +33 4 72 74 49 41, we will be able to steer you towards the solution which is optimal for your individual requirements.

Caupenne & Co, translation agency in Paris and Lyon