
English-French technical translation for Siemens

English-French technical translation by your translation agency in Lyon

As part of an English-French translation project in the field of electronics for its energy distribution network control centers, Siemens needed documentation of 1,490 pages to be translated.






working days


The 300,000-word manuals only needed to be understood by users, and a polished translation was not necessary.

We suggested that Siemens could try a post-edited machine translation (revised by a translator).

To enable the client to compare the results, we carried out a translation test and a post-editing test on the same document.

Our solution

Siemens opted for post-editing, which perfectly suited the needs of the project.

We were thus able to offer a solution that reduced the lead time from 120 working days to 25 working days while offering a saving of 32% on the service and still corresponding fully to the needs of the project.

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