
Technical translation for STX

Technical translation by your translation agency in Lyon

In preparation for the sale of two warships to Egypt, a volume of 800,000 words, representing over 2,500 pages, was translated from French to English in eight months and three language combinations: French-English, Russian-English and Russian-French.






language combinations


The source documents were supplied to us in PDF format, requiring 488 hours of page layout in Word and AutoCAD before translation could begin so that CAT tools could be used with the files.

A team of eight translators, including six working from French to English, was put together by our translation agency in Lyon.

The six English-speaking translators worked simultaneously with a real-time translation memory sharing module to ensure consistency of terminology.

CAT tool for technical translation

At the same time, two terminology databases including an approved industry-specific dictionary and a list of abbreviations were created for the project. These glossaries were incorporated into the CAT tool alongside four other glossaries provided by the client. The glossaries were applied in a predetermined order of priority.

We configured the CAT tool to indicate to the translators the order in which the glossaries were to be applied.

Thanks to the expertise of our project managers and the technical translators experienced in IT techniques and the advanced use of translation tools and technologies, the project, which required perfect terminological consistency and the preparation of two glossaries, was completed in only eight months.

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